Business Forums and Networking Groups
A number of Business Forums and Networking Groups actively operate in Hartlepool...
Premises & Locations
Hartlepool offers a wide variety of premises for your business venture based…
Financial Assistance
Whether you are setting-up in business or an established growing business, you m...
Enterprise Zone
The Tees Valley Enterprise Zone was among the first Enterprise Zones to be appro...
Hartlepool has excellent transportation and communication facilities and has eas...
Health and Safety Executive
When operating a business, either from commercial premises or from home, you are...
Business Rates
If you operate your business from a commercial property, you are required to pay...
Doing Business With Hartlepool Council
Hartlepool Borough Council provides many opportunities for businesses wishing to...
Employer Core Offer
Hartlepool Borough Council in partnership with Jobcentre Plus, National Apprenti...
Hartlepool Enterprise Centre
Hartlepool Enterprise Centre is a converted Victorian School close to the centre...
Tees Valley Youth Employment Initiative
The Tees Valley Pathways and Routeways Programmes form part of the Youth Employm...