Church Street Conservation Area Revival

Hartlepool Borough Council have received a £1.1million grant from the Heritage Lottery Fund to help breathe new life into the Church Street Conservation Area, historically the main street of West Hartlepool and lined with heritage buildings.


The project will comprise three elements: grants to help building owners conserve and repair properties in Church Street, works to renew the paving in and around Church Square and a community heritage activity program.

  • The funding for the Building Grants will be focused on bringing vacant buildings back into use, ensuring that they are structurally sound and watertight, and repairing and restoring traditional details such as windows, doors and shop fronts. Those properties most in need have been targeted, and property owners in the priority area have been contacted about grant availability.
  • For more information on the grants available, view the grant criteriaor contact the Townscape Heritage Project Officer.
  • The public realm works to Church Square have now been completed, these have created a more pedestrian friendly environment with space for people to sit and relax, and where public events can be held.
  • A number of heritage related events and activities will be held throughout the lifetime of the Scheme covering a range of subjects to raise awareness of the heritage in the area. The first project took place in October 2018, this was a Building Recording Project where volunteers undertook a comprehensive survey of the buildings in Church Street.  Up to date information on activities are available here.

Next Steps

  • Continue to support building owners to submit grant applications.
  • Upcoming activities are a Historic Mapping Project and an Oral History Project, if you are interested in taking part in either please contact the Townscape Heritage Project Officer using the contact details below.
  • For any further information on any aspect of the scheme, contact Fiona Riley, Townscape Heritage Project Officer, 01429 523532 or

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