
Tees Valley EAFRD call launch

Tees Valley EAFRD call launch

Tees Valley Combined Authority is pleased to announce that the Tees Valley calls for European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) have been launched by DEFRA with a deadline for Expressions of Interest of 31 January 2018.


There is a total budget of £1.1m available split as follows, Business Development Grants £450k and Tourism Infrastructure £650k.  Further information and supporting guidance is available here.


Business Development Grants will offer capital grants to micro and small businesses in Tees Valley key rural sectors.  Priority will be given to projects that will allow diversification of farming businesses into non-agricultural activities or are rural businesses from the LEP priority sectors or their wider supply chain. 


The aim of the Tourism Infrastructure call is to enhance the tourism offer in Tees Valley, increase visitor spend and attract visitors to stay longer.  Priority will be given to projects to enhance and support the development of events and festivals; indicative themes may include traditional crafts, skills, music and drama in rural areas.


Support may also be provided to develop access to infrastructure; develop cycle ways and footpaths which have the potential to contribute, through enhanced connectivity, to the development of a network of major visitor attractions across the Tees Valley.

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