It is likely that it will be one stage application process ie. straight to Full Application, no Outline required. Strategic fit and value for money will be still be extremely important but deliverability will be key at this stage of the programme therefore, speculative projects will not be supported.
The reserve fund will draw together the remaining unused ERDF LEP area allocations into a new ‘fund’, operating at national level. England-wide calls will be launched at Priority Axis level, with separate amounts of money identified for each ‘category of region’. The calls are likely to be launched under the following themes:
Preserving and Protecting the Environment (Priority Axis 6) will be a new opportunity for Tees Valley. Activity is likely to be around protecting and restoring biodiversity and soil, and promoting ecosystem services, including through Natura 2000, and green infrastructure. Also, promoting innovative technologies to improve environmental protection and resource efficiency in the waste sector, water sector and with regard to soil, or to reduce air pollution. The Tees Valley ESIF strategy has been updated and here is a link to the Addendum which covers this priority area.
There is no further detail available yet regarding the calls however it might be worth starting to think about potential project ideas for any of the areas above.
Information Events
TVCA will be arranging a number of Information Events for potential applicants in April. Further details will be circulated as soon as they are available.
MHCLG Practitioner Network Bulletin
MHCLG produce a regular Practitioner Bulletin. To find out about the new ERDF calls as soon as they are launched together with other useful articles/information sign up to receive this bulletin at Practitioner Network Bulletin. This link takes you to the last bulletin published which also includes an article on the Reserve Fund.