
Sell More, Sell More Easily

Angry that prospects treat you like every other Salesperson?

Upset that your Boss just doesn't get how much hard work you're doing, despite not getting the sales results you want?

Annoyed with yourself for giving too much away for free?

Join Andrew Pickersgill of Sandler Training as he shares the secrets of the Sandler Selling System and how it has helped hundreds of salespeople gain instant credibility with their prospects.

Suitable for anyone who has to 'sell' in their current business. Typically we're joined by Owner-Managers, Directors and Salespeople who are:

  • Concerned that your marketing and selling activities are not putting you in front of enough potential clients;
  • Upset you’re in front of prospects but not closing the business;
  • Frustrated you have to spend time and resources on writing proposals without a clear idea of which ones will close;
  • Annoyed that your sales results are poor, despite doing all your KPI's

Places are limited - so please reserve your seat ASAP

It would be great to see you at the event and find out more about your specific sales challenges and opportunities

Sell more, sell more easily, be proud to work in Sales.

Centre for Advanced Industry - North Shields